Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Software Freedom Day at UI

Setelah 1 tahun berselang, Software Freedom Day, yang disponsori oleh OSUM Universitas Indonesia, kembali hadir dengan tema yang menarik, yakni "Back to School, Back to Open Source".

Acara ini dimeriahkan di seluruh dunia pada tanggal 10 September 2009. Namun karena bertepatan dengan lebaran, maka di Indonesia, acara Software Freedom Day ini akan dilaksanakan tanggal 16 Oktober 2009 di lebih dari 30 universitas di Indonesia.

Di Universitas Indonesia sendiri, acara ini akan berlangsung di Ruang 3113 Gedung C Fasilkom UI hari Jumat 16 Oktober 2009 mulai dari jam 13.30.

Acara ini akan diisi oleh beberapa susunan acara yang menarik, yakni:
13.30 Opening Speech
14.00 WordPress, an Open Source CMS Technologies (M.Ilman Akbar, pendiri Univind)
15.00 Deeper Look to Free Open Source Software (Gladhi Guardin)
16.00 Develop Your Android Application Using Open Source Technologies (Deni Lukmanul Hakim)
17.00 Closing & Bagi-bagi Goodies dan Doorprizes

Ingin daftar di acara ini? Caranya mudah. Kamu tinggal mengunjungi alamat ini: http://osum.sun.com/events/sfd2009-ui, dan menuliskan RSVP kamu disana.

Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan setahun sekali untuk menuangkan idemu dalam Open Source Technologies! smile

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

New OSUM Theme: Indonesian Traditional Clothes, Batik

After launching chat feature several weeks ago, I'm glad to see that OSUM has another feature.
I don't know when it changed. But when I opened OSUM today, I see that OSUM has a Batik wallpaper.

Just add to the wikipedia, Batik is one of the most famous Indonesian traditional clothes.
It comes from Java (a beautiful Indonesian island, same name as Java Programming Language).
Batik has used by the president and his officials in many of formal country events.

So, that's Batik, that's Java, and that's Indonesia. Thank you.

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Java Servlet Pages (JSP) has been used by KPU

Interesting with JSP? Please visit our OSUM page :)

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Jumat, 17 April 2009

Repository Update (Again)

Come back from my illness :( Come back again to repo world :)

I'm thinking on how kambing.ui.edu has another server from OSUM UI :P Or maybe Sun will give a server? :P

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

OSUM Promotion from Kaskus

One of my responsible as Campus Ambassador is to promote OSUM as a media for students to learn many things. Today I decided to post OSUM to Kaskus.

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Sabtu, 04 April 2009

Some Added Materials

Yeah, wonderland. This is some materials that you can get again from the repository. Sorry can not be too active, because I'm still struggle to fight from the illness. OSUM, Cheers!

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Sun Campus Club UI is now OSUM UI

From today (April 1st 2009), we have a commitment to close the Sun Campus Club UI organization and the name will be change to OSUM UI. Tok tok tok :P

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Sun Campus Ambassador Challenge

This activity is provided to elect the new SCA. It will consist of many challenges that a student who wants to be a SCA must do it. One of the example is to give the SCC UI member a demonstration about the update of Sun Technology.

Interested in?

Stay away from this blog :-)

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Repository Update

So far, the repository was success to facilitate the material from UI student and another campus who have an inherent network with UI. For example, some of ITS students has give me thanks from this repository.

This is one of the peak traffic. This is occured when some of OSUM UI members want to copy Netbeans 6.5 and another stuff :)

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Open Source Success Story: Twitter

Following OSUM UI at twitter:

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

UI OSUM Member: 6 again to 200!

University of Indonesia has became the most active group in Indonesia in OSUM. It's a great news!

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Netbeans + Visual Studio + Eclipe?

This is one of the effect from the collision of Netbeans, Visual Studio, and Eclipse :D

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

OSUM UI become the most active group in OSUM world

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

UNIX at Repo

We are Open Source Community. So that we will not be able to restrict another Open Source technology to come in. Today I have added another UNIX OS to the our Repo.

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Free T-Shirt from SCA Program

Having award as a SCA recognition ni November, I 'must' shop $50 USD in SunWear.Com. In purpose to have a good outlook as SCA :D, I've decided to bought a T-Shirt.

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

From where I can get the Repo material?

Many of you maybe ask the link of the site that I used to download those a lot of materials. The only answer that I can give that the material was given only to SCA. So, don't worry. This is not a Google vault that can not index the material that I've given :)

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

OSUM Directory Listing

For everyone who wants to copy the material of the OSUM, please come to me. I will be available in room 3218 everyday until I graduate :P

Deni Lukmanul Hakim
Sun Campus Ambassador Indonesia 2008-2009